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Your Daily English Learning Plan

All you need to do now is get out there and do the work. After all, it’s not enough to just know these steps, you have to take action. “Work”, however, is the wrong word to use because the Effortless English system is most effective when combined with a playful mindset.

Are you ready to speak English effortlessly? Are you ready to feel relaxed and confident every time you speak? Are you ready to let go of grammar study, textbooks, vocabulary lists, worksheets and drills? Are you ready to rediscover the joy of learning? Are you ready to focus on goals that inspire you? Are you ready to focus on communication with real people? Are you ready to “play English” instead of studying it?

Aj hoge

You now know the core Effortless English System. I have laid out a plan to help you learn to speak English naturally, fluently and with ease. Using the latest research and my own experience from more than two decades of teaching English language classes to thousands of students all over the world, I’ve shown why traditional language teaching methods don’t work. If you’ve been struggling with English for a while, I’ve also tried to give you hope. It’s not that you’re bad at English. Trust me. You just haven’t been taught the right way, the natural way.

When you learn English naturally – the Effortless English way – you finally escape from the hidden curriculum. You don’t rely on textbooks or repetition drills. Instead you use the simple methods of the Effortless English system:

  • Anchor positive peak emotions to English
  • Change limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs
  • Energize and move while learning
  • Direct and control your internal movies
  • Focus on learning phrases not words
  • Don’t study grammar
  • Learn with your ears, not your eyes; devoting 80 percent of your studying time to listening
  • Learn deeply; be willing to put in the time and the numerous repetitions necessary to truly master spoken English
  • Use point-of-view stories to master grammar
  • Learn real English by focusing on authentic English materials that native speakers use
  • Learn to think in English with listen-and-answer stories, which train you to respond automatically without translation

The seven rules are the key to the Effortless English method. This method is the motor that will drive you to English fluency. But like any good engine, the Effortless English method is only as effective as the fuel you put into it. The fuel you need to learn English, or anything, really, is the emotional energy and motivation you bring to your studies. That’s why I’ve focused so much on the psychological aspects of learning. I’ve shown you how to generate the necessary emotional fuel for learning English by setting big goals. I’ve discussed how moving and using your body can help you learn more quickly. I’ve also demonstrated ways to channel your fears into the energy necessary to speak powerful and relaxed English.

All you need to do now is get out there and do the work. After all, it’s not enough to just know these steps, you have to take action. “Work”, however, is the wrong word to use because the Effortless English system is most effective when combined with a playful mindset. You no longer need to fear mistakes. You no longer need to find the “one right answer.” You no longer need to stress over exams or grades.

In fact, you will no longer “study English,” you will “play English.” You will enjoy your natural curiosity. You’ll use fun, interesting, compelling, real materials. You’ll feel energized and excited. You’ll move your body. You’ll smile and laugh while learning.

Fortunately, there’s never been a better time to learn English. There have never been more resources available. Thanks to the Internet, there are few things you can’t access online – whether it’s a website on English learning, or articles, books, audio and video that can all be used to practice. You can even hire a teacher or get a language partner to work with you online.

You are no longer dependent on schools. You don’t need to follow the hidden curriculum any longer. You are now the master of your own education. English mastery is within your reach.

Effortless English method

A Day in the Life of Effortless English
I’ve done my best to explain the Effortless English System. At this point, maybe you’ve decided you like the sound of learning English the natural way. You want to speak English effortlessly.

The question is: How do you get started? How can you take all of what I’ve told you and put it into a typical day of learning English? What would that day look like?

It is vitally important that you establish daily English learning rituals. What is a ritual? A ritual is a habit that is emotional, even sacred, for you. Your progress depends on consistency. By continually making tiny improvements each week, you will accelerate on the road to fluency. Each improvement builds on the ones that came before, creating momentum.

Week by week, your listening improves. For a while, nothing seems to happen with your speaking. You understand more but speaking seems to be no different. Then, suddenly, after a few months, something amazing happens. English phrases begin to come out more quickly and easily. It happens a little at first, then more and more each week. By the time you reach six months, you notice significant improvement in your speaking.

This improvement is built through consistent daily rituals. When I teach seminars, I encourage students to create Effortless English rituals for the morning, the day, and the evening.

For example:

In the morning, immediately upon waking, play your favorite energizing music. As you listen to this music, take out your list of positive English experiences and empowering beliefs. Read each item on the list, and remember the emotion of the positive experience. Next, think about your biggest goals for English – how you will use the language to create a better life for yourself and your family. Finally, use the “swish” technique ten or more times to direct and program your power movies.

At this point you are feeling great, so you’ve worked yourself into a peak emotional state. With the music still playing, jump, smile and shout until you feel fantastic! Now you are ready to listen to English. Play an easy English audio. Ideally, you will play a listen-and-answer mini story, followed by several point-of- view stories. As you listen, shout your answers to the questions and use big movements and gestures. If, at any point, you notice your energy dropping, play the music again and create a peak emotional state. Then start listening to English again.

This whole morning ritual might take only thirty minutes. You start your day feeling great, improving your English. At that point, it’s probably time to go to work, or school. Use your travel time to listen to more English. Since you’ll probably be around other people, this is a good time to listen quietly to an audiobook.


At lunch you’ll have more free time, so spend another thirty minutes or more listening to a mini-story or point-of-view story. If you have privacy, shout your answers just as you did at home.

Travel home is another opportunity for more easy English listening. Perhaps you repeat that same audiobook chapter from the morning. If you stay at home with your kids, find moments of listening time when your kids are playing or napping. If you walk somewhere, or stand in line, listen to English. Use every available free moment to listen.


When you are home in the evening, do more English listening. Ideally, choose the same time every night and once again listen to the same mini story and point-of- view stories in a peak state. This might take you another thirty minutes. Go into your room if necessary to shout out the answers and really put your full energy and emotion into it.

Then you might use the movie technique, studying and practicing a movie scene. And even when you are doing other tasks, such as cooking dinner, always have an English audio playing in the background. Surround yourself with the sounds of English all day long.


By building these daily habits, and dividing your study time into four or more chunks throughout the day, you create intensity. The next day, you repeat the same rituals. Because you want to learn deeply, you repeat the same audios again. Listen to the same mini-story and point-of-view stories. Listen to the same audiobook. Watch the same movie scene. Do this for seven days or more to really master each of those audios. Next week, start over.

The great thing about audio story lessons is that they can be done anywhere. You can read and listen at the same time. Or you can take a walk and listen, which is even better. Do whatever works for you. Just do it, and soon you’ll be speaking English fluently and with ease.

For best results, dedicate yourself to an intense schedule for six months. During that time, listen to English every free moment you have, however short. Always carry English audios on your phone or audio player. Always have it with you. Use private time for mini stories, point-of-view stories, and the movie technique. When in public, listen quietly to audiobooks or other English audios. Fill every moment of your life with English.

This consistent habit is the secret to your success. By focusing intensely for six months, you will make dramatic improvements in your English speaking ability. You will develop confidence and power. No, you will not speak perfectly, but no one is perfect, not even native speakers.

You have used the old methods for years and are not happy with the results. Give Effortless English at least six months. During this time, be fully committed to the system. At the end of six months, notice the improvement and compare it to the old methods. You will be pleasantly surprised.

You will, finally, develop the ability to speak effortless English. The words will come out automatically. The grammar will improve automatically. The feelings of confidence will appear automatically.

Welcome to Effortless English System™. 


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