How to use your first lessons? - Effortless English
The Effortless English program will help you speak English confidently and fluently in just 6 months. Start with your first lesson now!
Dear friends. Welcome to the Effortless English System™. You should already have Effortless English lessons now, so we want to tell you how to use them. We are very excited because soon you will speak English more effortlessly.
We want you to feel relaxed and confident when you speak English. And you’ll feel happier when you learn with my lessons. No more sad, boring lessons!
So, how do you use Effortless English lessons? Here are some suggestions:
- Start with the first Lesson Set named “A Day For The Dead”
- Listen to all lessons in the set every day for 1 week (learn deeply)
- Listen to the Mini-Story lesson two times a day (or more)
- Answer the Mini-Story questions loudly?
- Do NOT think about grammar. Do NOT try to memorize.
- Just relax. Listen. Respond. Everything will happen automatically.
Most importantly– relax and smile as you listen to the lessons. If you don’t want to speak yet, its OK. Effortless English is a “Listen First” system. Listening is most important.
It’s OK to just listen. You will improve quickly and automatically if you listen every day. That is the key. Listen to the lessons 1 hour (or more) every day.
That is all you need to do. Do that, and we guarantee your success.
Good luck and enjoy the lessons!
- First, you register for an Effortless English member account.
+ Effortless English with Web: sign up here
+ Effortless English with Android (Google Play): download here
+ Effortless English with iOS (AppStore): download here
- Next, you log into the system and select the Original Course, and start with the first lesson name "Day of the dead"
There are two ways to use our Effortless English lessons. One way produces good results. Your English speaking will improve steadily. The second way produces much better results. Your English speaking will improve more quickly.
What are these two ways of study?
1/ The first method is basically passive. Each day, you listen to all of the lessons in one lesson set. You repeat this every day for one week or more. For example, if you are studying the lesson set titled “Day of the dead”,… each day you would listen to the Vocabulary Lesson, The Main Article, The MS (more than once). You would also read the Main Text, and since this lesson set has a MS Transcript, you’d read that too.
Your method would be very relaxed and passive. Basically, you’d just listen in a calm and easy way. During the Mini-Story, you wouldn’t answer the questions out loud– though you might think the answers. You might pause after each question, or you might just listen and not worry about answering. You’d probably be sitting down while listening. This is a perfectly acceptable way to use our lessons.
2/ However, there is another way to use them– a way that produces much better results. This method is extremely active. Of course, each day you still listen to all of the lessons in one lesson set, you still repeat this every day for one week, etc…
But the way you listen is totally different. Instead of sitting, you stand. And you don’t stand normally. Rather, you stand tall and strong, with your shoulders back, your eyes and chin up… feeling strong.
As you listen to the lessons, you move your body. You make gestures that are connected to the meaning of the English you are hearing. During the Mini-Story you pause after every question and you shout your answer with powerful emotion. As you shout your answer, you use all of your body and energy. You move your arms, chest, face, and whole body powerfully. You consciously have a huge smile on your face during every lesson.
This way of learning feels like a workout! You pour out your emotion and your energy! You put your entire body into the listening and learning process! You look like a boxer or a dancer as you listen to the lessons! When you finish, you feel happy and energized.
Both ways of using our lessons work. Both will be successful. But the second method is exponentially more powerful. Try both methods, on different weeks, and compare the results for yourself!
Good luck to you. And welcome to the Effortless English System™.
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